lebenslauf: Professional development and artistic activities:
2003 – 2008 Translations
English > German, Spanish > German
Music productions, Sounddesign, Voice-over
2001 – 2003 Circus FlicFlac
keyboard and guitar player, composer
musical accompaniment for approx. 1.200 shows
1990 – 2000 Various band activities
keyboard and guitar player, i.e. with:
• Alka Salsa (Salsa)
• Descarga (Salsa and Latin)
• Phaenomenal Family (Reggae)
• The Mirrors (Rock)
1991 – 1997 Various theatre ensembles
performing as an actor i.e. in:
Die Mitschuldigen
Goethe, at the Theatermanufaktur
• Verkohlte Zeiten
in-house production according to Wolfgang Borchert,
ensemble KO-MI-KO
• The World Is A Ghetto
musical-production, Theater unterm Dach
1991 – 1997 Various movie and tv productions
acting i.e. in:
• Gute Zeiten, Schlechte Zeiten (TV)
• Der grüne Heinrich (movie)
• Praxis Bülowbogen (TV)
1988 – 1990 Piano teacher
Jazz and Rock / Pop
1984 – 1986 artistic and linguistic education travels
USA, Mexiko and West-Afrika
• musical studies, carving and playing of drums
• language studies (English and Spanish)
Seit 1977 began playing guitar and keyboard
1980 Staatliches Gymnasium Ahrweiler
final high school examination
1981 – 1982 Caritas Verband Ahrweiler
civil service
1987 – 1990 Fa. Kschier Berlin
cabinet-maker apprenticeship with graduation
2004 – 2005 Datenklang Berlin
certified course in sounddesign
2005 – 2006 Felix Bloch Erben Berlin
internship in the recording studio
• e-book productions
• Jazz productions
2006 – 2007 6 months of travels in India for cultural and linguistic studies,
refreshment and consolidation of the english language
Music composition and production of all genres
• Laura, Sontja & Maria, compositions for the Circus FlicFlac
Sounddesign for DVDs, radio, internet, museums etc.
• jingle for a radio broadcast
• Jasmin, commissioned scoring of a poem
• Voice samples
Translations English > German and Spanish > German
My equipment:
• Apple Macinthosh Powerbook
• Logic Pro, Live (audio software) , Final Cut (video edit)
• RME Multiface
• Presonus mic preamps
• Rode NT 1000 and NT 4 microphones
• Magnat SB 20 and JMlab Chorus 705 monitors
• various keyboards and guitars
kurztext: Sprecher und Musiker. German voice over talent and musician
Kurzbeschreibung in englisch: German voice over talent and musician